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We Love to Hear Good News About Our Bad Habits

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 3 comments

Think about all the times that you’ve read a newspaper article; or you’ve seen something on the TV; or you’ve heard somebody saying something – which gives you good news about your bad habits.

It basically says to you, that you can eat what you want, drink all you want – all that kind of stuff.

Well, a lot of people – most people – like to hear good news about their bad habits.

Most people like to hear good news about their bad habits.

It’s just a fact of life.

What we’re doing in our lives, the things that we enjoy doing and the things that we know are bad for us.

Not getting enough exercise, eating the wrong types of foods, drinking, smoking.

All that kind of stuff.

We love to try and pull a little sprig of hope from reports, newspaper articles, TV programmes, things that people might tell us that sort of bring us into a state where we think – “well, maybe it’s not as bad as people make out?”

Over the years this is certainly the case with cigarettes.

In the early days, you could go into your Doctor’s Office and your Doctor would tell you their brand of cigarettes and why they smoke that brand of cigarettes.

The advertisements were there to say – “Well, your Doctor smokes this type of cigarette because it brings a coolness to your throat, it’s not as harsh” or “It brings a nice deep flavour.” – or whatever, you know?

Modern day equivalent of that is the moderation example where alcohol companies, alcohol websites will say – “Well, you know – moderate drinking is a good thing to do. This is what you should be doing in your life because moderate drinking will bring you health benefits and moderate drinking won’t really effect you. So it is going to give you something and it won’t give you any of the downsides.”

And it’s complete bullshit, it’s like the emperor’s new clothes thing.

They basically tell you these things and they don’t give you the actual facts about moderate drinking are very slim on the ground.

Everyone’s got a different opinion about what is a moderate amount to drink

So is one unit enough and what is one unit?

One unit is like, in itself is a difficult type of analogy for somebody to go into a Pub and go – “Well, is this Pint of Beer – is it one unit or is it two units.”

That’s going to depend on the strength of the Beer, in alcohol strength.

And it’s going to depend on different factors, right?

It’s the same with wine.

Is this glass of wine – one glass of wine isn’t equal to another glass of wine?

I’ve seen a picture of a glass of wine and it’s basically a glass top, you know the stem, the top of an actual wine glass and it’s on the top of a bottle.

So you know, this person is having a joke and saying this is my glass of wine for tonight.

So you know instead of the top of the bottle, the top of the wine bottle comes up and it’s got the bowl on the top of it, so you don’t need to pour it out you just drink it straight out of that.

Yes, meant to be funny, but it’s not.

This is playing with people’s health.

And this is what they always play on is this kind of inconsistently.

What is an unit?

What is moderate drinking?

And at the end of the day they know that alcohol is a drug and when you start drinking that one drink that they say is okay, it lowers your inhibitions and you are much more likely to take a second drink, after you’ve taken the first drink.

Once you’ve taken the second drink – if that’s your buzz – if you’re looking for the buzz out of alcohol, you’re more than likely going to take the third drink.

You know, well people say “Well you know like, you have to be an alcoholic to get to the stage where one drink is not enough.”

And that’s bullshit.

Because of the nature of the alcohol.

Alcohol is alcohol – it’s a drug

When you take the first one it lowers your inhibition and you go “Yeah I like the buzz of that I’ll think I’ll have another one.”

When you take the second one it lowers your inhibition’s a bit further, you like the second taste of it and then you have another one and the only time it doesn’t work on you is when you first drink it.

When you first drink alcohol and you think “That fucking tasted awful. Do I have to drink this?”

But everyone’s around you is going – “yeah, yeah, you chicken” or “no of course you you’ve got to drink it. What’s the story with you? You have to drink this stuff. You’re a coward” – or you know?

You’re under so much peer pressure that you do drink more, but your body is not under peer pressure at all, so your body is going to react as it would to any other toxin coming in to your body.

First of all, you know, you’re going to feel the room spinning around, you’re going to get very uncomfortable feelings from it.

Then you’re going to throw it up and feel ill.

Your body is doing its best to make sure that you never do this again.

But of course, then the outside peer pressure comes in and we’re screwed.

So as it goes on and we get used to it – we get the tolerance for alcohol; we get the taste for it.

As soon as you’ve had your first drink of alcohol then it’s the tolerance.

It’s the fact that it’s the drug that’s kicking in – it’s the alcohol drug that’s kicking in – and making you want to have more.

It’s nothing to do with the personal alcohol nature of the thing.

But what was this about?

We were talking about people liking to hear good news about their bad habits

At the end of the day, if people sit down and logically think about this, right, you know, everyone knows that alcohol is a toxin.

It’s a neuro toxin.

Right, which is a toxin which has a direct effect on your brain.

One of the few things that gets through the blood/brain barrier, as I’ve said.

And this blood/brain barrier is there to protect your brain against foreign invaders, right?

So like I say, we deliberately do this to ourselves.

So we know it’s a toxin, we know it’s a neurotoxin, we know that it’s bad.

We see all around us the consequences of alcohol.

Not only the death – three and a half million every year.

The diseases that it can cause – over two hundred.

But the violence and the misery and just the – it’s not a great effect you know.

When people are in a pub and they’re enjoying themselves it’s great.

You know, when you’ve had a couple of beers and stuff like this.

And you get into the mood of things like that and people associate with the alcohol – fair enough.

But take that small part of it out of context and look at the greater picture and the damage that is done and people just…

You can’t have a toxin that is doing some good for you, in small doses, but it’s having a detrimental effect on you in larger doses.

People like to convince themselves and there’s people watching this video going “Of course you can have toxins that give you benefit in small doses.”

Very small doses, right?

There might be a sort of a benefit – I don’t know.

For me, I’m about people actually make excuses and go- “Well, you know, maybe it does help you in small doses, but it does have benefits for you.”

But you have to also look at the outside of this and you have to think that anybody that’s trying to convince you to take a product like this, is doing it to make a buck.

They’re trying to make money out of it.

Think about all the alcohol companies that who are trying to make money out of your misery

Think about all the quit alcohol companies who are also there to try and make a quick buck out of your misery, you know?

Quitting alcohol, people say – “It’s too hard and I’ve got this wrong with me and I’ve got that wrong with me.”

And you know – “I’ve got this so I really can’t quit today or can’t quit tomorrow.”

Or “I’ve been told this or I’ve been told that or I’ve been told – well it’s going to be… I’m going to go through cravings or I might die” – all of these things.

This is all – for 99% of people – this is very simple.

It’s the same as dieting.

How many diet books are out there?

How many fads?

Different diets; different labelled diets – you know go on the grapefruit diet, go on this diet, go on that diet, go on the other – you know?

Simple equation – it’s food in and exercise out.

So calories in and calories out.

If calories in is more than calories out, you’re going to gain weight.

If calories out is more than calories in, you’re going to lose weight.

I know in scientific terms, it’s a bit more complex than that, but in general terms, in terms of you losing weight, you can’t expect to eat what you want, regardless of what it is, if the calories are more than what you’re putting out.

So it just boils down to that and people can make things a lot more complicated.

With quitting drinking, it’s as simple as not putting the alcohol into your mouth

Right, if you don’t do that, if you do that one thing, every time you think about alcohol – you don’t put the alcohol into your mouth – then you’ve quit drinking.

It’s as simple as that.

Everything else is an excuse, right, everything else is an excuse.

So that’s what I’m going to leave it on today.

Don’t be looking for good news about your bad habits, because any good news that you hear is going to be from somebody who is trying to gain something from your bad habits, right?

So don’t listen to that.

Listen to the one thing that is going to help you – do not put alcohol into your mouth

And if you do that one thing, you don’t need anything else.

You don’t need to listen to any more of my videos, you don’t need to buy my courses, you don’t need to buy my books, you don’t need to buy anything.

You don’t need to go into re-hab programmes you don’t have to do anything.

You have to put up with the little bit of discomfort that is there.

Regardless of what happens in your life.

Shit’s going to happen in life, but you are much more capable of dealing with the shit without a toxin in your body than you would otherwise have to do.

So, don’t listen to it.

No alcohol into your body. Period.

Persistency, determination and a bit of hard work in the beginning.

Do not put alcohol into your mouth, once that is there in your head – I’ve quit drinking as long as I don’t put alcohol into my mouth.

Then you’ve won. There is no more to it than that.

No more to it.

Leave a comment down below, if you have any questions.

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“Alcohol and Tobacco Companies are two of the companies that kill their best customers”

Until next time…
Take Care
Keep the Alcohol out of your Mouth
Stay Safe
Good Luck
Onwards and Upwards!

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  1. Jaiye

    Thank you for some great advice! Nice video.

  2. Audrey Smallcombe

    Thank you so much, Kevin! I’m only on my third day of listening to you but I know I’m going to do it with your help. Please keep up you amazing work. You are a life line to me and so many, I’m sure.
    Wishing you a very happy new year. Xxx

  3. Mick

    Alcohol companies have way too much power, this is self evident and results in facts being kept out of the public eye. Despite irrefutable scientific research showing how bad alcohol is, people are still drinking this poison for fun. It is madness. I have watched a good friend of mine encourage his teenage daughter to have a glass of wine. I don’t think I have ever met anyone who liked there first taste of red wine. But people are encouraged to stick with it and acquire a taste for this poisonous shit.

    The rest of this comment is a simple cut and paste from research findings, not my words just cut and paste from a research report.

    For health researchers to be confident that drinking alcohol causes cancer, they have to identify ‘causative mechanisms

    With alcohol there are several easy ones to identify

    As our body breaks down a chemical called ethanol in alcoholic beverages, the process creates a substance called acetaldehyde. This is a known cancer-causing agent that can negatively affect the health of our cells. The ethanol itself may also damage our tissues directly.

    And the relationship is “definitely causative”. “Just as certain as for tobacco or asbestos.”In particular, the strength of evidence linking alcohol consumption with 22% of all breast cancers diagnosed each year in Australia really makes it a modifiable risk factor that needs to be taken into account,” An international review of the latest evidence, the Cancer Council says it is now irrefutable that alcohol use causes cancer. Estimates suggest that roughly 5% of all cancers in Australia, 5000 cases each year.

    You would think this would be big news. And thats just the cancers.


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