Most people only start to think about change once they feel pressure, pain, discomfort…
This is always a good time to change… It’s a necessary time to change. Your body is telling you, your mind is telling you. Maybe other people are telling you. Everything points you in one direction, change has to happen.
As you’ll see in this video, there are often times when it becomes absolutely critical that you change. Unfortunately, there are also times when time for self-directed change has passed.
Take the decision, make the choice, be the change that you want to see in your own life. Don’t wait until the change is forced on you.
Until next time…
Onwards and Upwards!
Not rambling at all Kevin. We need to hear this. I just wish there was more steady info in the media about this.
I love your honesty and calling it like it is. Excellent stuff.
Blunt and direct!