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5 Healthy Tips for Tapering Off Alcohol

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 5 comments

Stepping across that line and quitting alcohol cold turkey can be difficult. I always recommend that in the preparation stage, between two weeks and the month before you stop drinking, that you gradually reduce the amount of alcohol that you are drinking. This is known as tapering. Alcohol works just as well as benzodiazepines for detoxing off alcohol. A lot of people don’t want to go to the AA, or medical detox, for many different reasons. For one, they don’t want it on their medical records.


5 Healthy Tips for Tapering Off Alcohol

This video offers you a few tips on how you can safely taper your alcohol intake over the preparation stage.

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  1. Mar Delany

    Thanks Kevin, Mar.

  2. Lisalynn Rowley-Dixon

    Great Video Kevin, I’ve been away for a bit, But now I’m back, sick of the struggle, sleepless nights, and feeling like shit, nothing worse than not remembering what you did or didn’t do or what I said to someone Hate It. your video helps me this was very helpful because I feel exactly that way.

  3. Mary bloggs

    Hi Kevin
    I’m not sure what’s happening but I don’t receive the daily videos.
    Is it because of the videos crashing?

    I don’t get any of the emails. I really enjoyed them.

    If that’s so, to see them, do I go to your website.

    Just wondering …as its easier just to open your daily videos on my emails daily.

    Thank you you are really helping me.

    Kind regards


  4. anonymous dude

    dude you had me in tears

    your so awesome…and hopefully changed my life


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