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5 Life Altering Changes That Happen When You Quit Drinking Alcohol

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 3 comments

There are absolutely loads of changes that will happen to you and to your life once you stop drinking alcohol. Many of them will be life changing. One of the thoughts that you will have once you stop drinking will be why didn’t they do this sooner. I’ve asked myself that question so many times. It’s really irrelevant because you can only work from where you are. It’s impossible to go back and start at a date previous to when you did start. If you haven’t started, you can’t go back to yesterday, for instance. You have to start today. You can start tomorrow, but you’re probably going to ask yourself why didn’t they start yesterday.


5 Life Altering Changes That Happen When You Quit Drinking Alcohol

All habit change is tough. Some habits are tougher to change than others, granted, but in order to change you have to go through the bit of negativity. But once you push through that wall, usually only minor discomfort, you will find that your life has improved dramatically.

There are two videos on the website giving you 8 life altering changes that happen when you stop drinking alcohol.

Enjoy 🙂


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  1. Michael

    Thanks for your videos Kevin, They have helped me out. You talk total sense in them (THANKS)

  2. Robin Munson

    Thanks for the encouragement! Love your videos they keep me focused and on track.

  3. Jamie

    Hi Kevin
    Thanks for all the tips and advise so far. I have just left rehab for alcohol for the second time. I really would appreciate all the help and advise you can give me. If I pick up one more drink I’ve lost everything. Wife, family, the lot. They’ve had enough. I want this sobriety more than anything. Withdrawal is hard. Fed up with all my lying and deceit. I’ve got a couple of weeks under my belt, but that was in rehab. Home now and struggling. Can you help. Would appreciate any advise. Thanks. Jamie


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