(0.20) StephenC8 Comment
(0.59) Eating the Whole Packet
(1.43) Calories and Drink and Splash Nights
(2.23) Not Backfiring Any More
(2.44) Stop Drinking… Lose Weight…
(3.29) Relax and Eat Well
Lose Weight When You Stopped Drinking Comment
This is Alcohol Mastery, my name’s Kevin O’Hara, and today I’m gonna be doing another question, this time from StephenC8 who asked did you lose weight once I stopped drinking.
The simple answer is yes.
I’ve lost 30 pounds altogether.
I started out at 245 pounds and I’m down to 215 pounds as of last week.
I weigh myself every week
…I measure my chest and stomach…
I’ve lost three inches from my belly and a couple of inches from my chest.
I’ve still got a fair bit to go…
I want to get down to 180 or 185…
I’ll be a happy man…
Eating the Whole Packet
I’ve been dieting…
… sort of dieting if you can call it that…
I’ve always watched what I ate anyway…
I have a taste for pizzas… 🙂
More sweet things that anything else…
If someone brought a packet of biscuits around with chocolate on top of them…I’d eat the lot…
But I just don’t go there anymore;
I don’t have that kind of thing in the house…
When I go out I tend to choose wisely from the menu…
😉 Wisely!!!
…I choose something that’s not going to add to the weight…
Drink loads of water and get a lot of exercise and that’s about it…
Calories and Drink and Splash Nights
But definitely the calories that I’m saving from not having any drink any more are 100% taking the weight off…
Because no matter how much I’ve tried to diet before
…lose the weight
…while I was drinking
…even when I’ve cut down on the drink
…I’ve never been able to manage it.
I’ve gone down 2 or 3 pounds one week
…2 or 3 pounds the next week
…maybe do that for a month…
Then, I’d go out for a couple of splash nights
…and that’s it…
…I‘ve put on weight again.
And it’s sort of… it gets into your head after a while… and you just stop doing it…
Not Backfiring Any More
Now, without the drink, I don’t have that backfiring on me every time, every few weeks.
It’s all level now
…I’m losing weight and the weight is gradually coming off
…which is a healthy way of doing things I think…
…2 or 3 pounds is good…
And that’s what I’ve been doing consistently over the last few weeks…
Stop Drinking… Lose Weight…
If you’ve got a weight issue, you definitely will lose it by stopping drinking, it’s as simple as that…
Try and eat good food
…drink plenty of water
…get out and exercise…
…even if it’s only a brisk walk
…or dancing around the room
…or playing with your kids
…or whatever…
It’s just something to do!
Get up andGet the heart rate going and stuff like that…
If you’re trying to lose weight I wish you the best of luck…
So Thanks to StephenC8 for the message…
I wish you all the best in your alcohol free journey and in your weight loss as well.
If you wanna leave any messages you can leave them on YouTube.
Leave a message below in the comment box or at the top using the contact form…
Or you can contact me directly by sending me an email to kevinohara@alcoholmastery.com.
Thanks for visiting.
Onwards and Upwards
Until next time…
Onwards and Upwards…
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I lost 25 lbs in two months when I stopped drinking, I walked every morning and eat pretty healthy but I’m sure it was because I stopped drinking. White wine is full of calories. Can’t believe I lived that way for 2 years. I’m free!