The Irish drink more than almost anyone else in the world… In terms of recorded alcohol consumption, Ireland comes fourth in the world…
The only countries that drink more than the Irish are The Czech Republic, Andorra, and Estonia….
Yep, it explains a lot….
To be honest, I didn’t think we would come anywhere near the top, but I should have known.
It was one of my biggest complaints about Ireland… there’s nothing else to do except drink…
It’s in our nature…
I thought the UK would be with us… next door on the list as well as geographically …but no, they’re 15th….
I grew up in both of these countries – most of my adult life in Ireland – the drinking cultures are very alike…
It’s not exactly a race to see how much alcohol you can pour down your neck, but we don’t really go in for the niceties … like savoring the taste, or the delicate aroma, or any other makey-up-word concocted by the drinks industry to sell the product…
I don’t know if it’s because we’re island nations, because we sit on the extremity of the continent, because of the hilariously bad weather… Excuses? Probably…
You have to go through France, Luxembourg, Croatia, Austria, Portugal, Hungary, Slovenia, Lithuania, and Germany (in order), before you get to where the UK sits in the drinking charts…
The difference between Ireland and the UK is about 2 litres…
That’s 2 litres of pure alcohol I might add…
Paddies Like To Drink!
I would bet the further west you go in Ireland, the more is drank…
I used to live in a village in the west called Miltown Malbay, population about 1500, pubs – 13… that’s a pub for every 113 people!
Once a year there’s a massive influx for the Willie week…
No, not a gay festival, a trad music festival…
I suppose there’d be about 10,000 people in the town that week, and I’m sure I’ve seen little pubs appearing that were never there before… a bit like the old Gene Kelly movie, Brigadoon… Spooky!!!!
With the amount of booze that’s taken during willie week, there’s probably not a working willie in the whole place…
The World Health Organization is the source by the way… View the doc here… the chart is on page 18.