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You Want To Make Big Changes? Set Your Boundaries

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 0 comments

Today’s video is going to be about change. One of the things that you need to change about yourself is to set some boundaries for yourself to know what your limitations are, what things you can step across, and what things you can’t step across.

This is an important thing to start out with. It’s best to make sure that all your boundaries are as clear as possible. You say to yourself, “Well, this is something that I’m going to do. This is something that I’m not going to do.” And you have to be really clear about on what those things are in your life.

Start figuring out now what are the boundaries for yourself? What limits? Are you going to set on yourself? Right? What is it that you’re going to do? What is it that you’re not going to do? It depends on your mentality as well. What are you going to do when you feel the cravings? How are you going to deal with it?


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