Following my trip to New York to appear on the podcast of Ed Mullins, President of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, I wanted to offer a video from my persective. Hopefully this can help someone else who is also having thoughts of a suicidal nature.
I have experienced the darkness that was leading me towards that path, before I stopped drinking, and I experienced someone very close to me taking their own life, which was devastating.
Here is a link to a page of useful phone numbers if you or anyone you know needs help with suicidal thoughts. You’ll find a list of countries on the left in alphabetical order. Scroll down to your country and call the relevant number:… ….
Here’s the link to Ed Mullins appeal video:
If you are looking for help quitting alcohol, you can download my free book here:… Or you can join Habits Unplugged (our quit alcohol and life changing program) for $1 by clicking here.
Brilliant Kevin,
I did your course on Udemy and it opened my eyes brother.
Best Ni.
Of all the videos you emailed to me, this is the one for which I am most grateful.