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Alcohol Mastery Podcast Session 4

by | Podcast | 2 comments

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This weeks session is about changing your environment

Questions for this week are:

From: Stonefiend on youtube
What are the best foods and drinks to curb the cravings?

Is it your sugar cravings?

What foods should you be eating to help your body?
You are what you eat!

From: John D on youtube:

How long did it take you to replace drinking with walking?

How many chemicals in cigarettes?
How many chemicals added to beer?
The German purity law
The cold filtered beers
My morning routine
Productivity and drinking
Quitting and spare time and money
Summer and winter walking
Why do I walk?
The different uses we have for alcohol
Youthful drinking
Why do we start drinking?
Why do we drink as we get older?

Do you go to AA Meetings or did you quit cold turkey?

What turns me off AA?
Is it because of my upbringing?
Calling yourself an alcoholic forever
Do you have a disease?
Do I think about drinking?

Changing your environment

Changing your thinking
Changing your environment
There’s always going to be alcohol
Alcohol sponsorship
Who knows what health benefits or moderate benefits? Really?
Life is too short
My younger self
Don’t put off till tomorrow…
It’s all your perception and your thinking
Change that and you wipe out any and all addiction

If you have anything you’d like to ask, send me an email at kevin@alcoholmastery.com

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes by clicking HERE

Session 4


  1. Holly

    You brighten my day Kevin! You give me hope and let me know I can do this!
    Thank you for being you!

  2. Andrea

    Kevin – I love your no nonsense approach! I listen to your podcasts while I’m walking my dog in the morning and they inspire me to make positive changes in my life. Well done for maintaining great change in your own life while inspiring others. Keep it up!


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