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My First Year Since Quitting Alcohol What I Learned

by | Start Here | 32 comments

My First Year Since Quitting Alcohol What I Learned

Video Synopsis

This is not a definitive guide by any stretch of the imagination.

Some of the topics covered in the video include:

  • Addiction is mostly in your head
  • It’s not about the alcohol
  • Being in control of your actions
  • Symptoms and discomfort
  • The symptoms will pass
  • The language of addiction
  • Alcohol not being a disease
  • Self Belief
  • Your Commitment to quit

Previous Posts That May Help You


  1. ronnie

    best vid yet kev lad thanks

  2. peter

    Congratulations Kevin. This is the best video yet by far. It shows how much you’ve learnt. It’s funny,for years I was a sax player and gave up smoking and also took up the flute. Since giving alcohol the boot recently I’ve had time to take up the clarinet as well making the three instruments normally demanded of a woodwind doubler. The initial late nights are really coming in handy in re-aligning my life in all aspects. I used to think I was seriously bi-polar but since I’ve stopped the binges my mood swings have stabilized and the world is no longer full of phantoms and insurmountable challenges. One thing I’ve learnt is that there is no problem in the world alcohol cannot make bigger. And of course I’m richer in every sense. More power to you mate as you are an example to us all!

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Thanks Peter. Finding something fantastic to do with your life while getting past the brainwashing, how good is that my friend!
      Life is Great!

  3. ronnyukaus

    Kevin, utterly correct….I want to achieve what you have….but the biggest problem I have is resisting a drink after work….and 1 leds to 10+, I wanna be healthy and have a sound mind, my consciousness is repeating telling me to give up the ale

    • Kevin O'Hara

      It’s there for everyone to achieve. Having that drink after work was one of my problems as well. You’re on the right track when you are thinking about quitting. You know it’s holding you back, you know your life is going to be 10 times better without alcohol, you have to get to the place where YOU KNOW YOU CAN QUIT!

  4. Geri Griffin

    You are a true inspiration. I am done with drinking!

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Excellent Geri, keep me up to date with all your great news to come!

  5. teresa

    hi kevin, i would like to say thank you to you. i have watched alot of video’s on youtube, you have answered alot of my own questions. this is a hard journey to be on. im trying to stay of the booze myself. i have had a few lapses. i was just wondering how long it took you to get to the point where you know you was going to do this. i really want to do this, i go weeks without the bang its back again, i feel like im banging my head against a wall all the time. wishing you lots of luck on your journey.

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Hi Teresa, I knew before I stopped I wasn’t going back onto it. I just knew I had two choices. Stay drinking or quit. I understood, finally, that I only drank to get drunk, for the buzz, nothing else. I had fooled myself for all those years that I got something else out of it, I didn’t. It just became a bad habit. I wish you the best of luck… Stick with us for your journey…

  6. Alex

    Hi Kevin, I’ve been off the booze since 13/11/13 was a turning point for me due to making myself look like a complete fool in front of my family, that was the final straw of years of alcohol binge drinking combined with valium ! Your motivational videos have certainly helped combined with willpower. It’s strange now I look back and ask why ?( and the answer the same as yours) just the buzz drink to get drunk, one drink would always lead to more I could never stop ! Now I am much happier new life, much better these days with my wife & family, for me I don’t intend to drink alcohol ever again, never, and that includes valium that I have finally got that out of my life as well. Always keep up to date with your news letters, hope more people can come on board and ditch the booze for a better life. Never to late to change people !!


    • Kevin O'Hara

      Hey Alex, thanks for sharing your story. The more people who can share their success the better it is for everyone else, those who are looking for the motivation. We get so stuck in the cycle of drinking that most people don’t even stop to think there is a different, and much more healthy and fulfilling, way to live life. Big up to you my friend!
      Sincere congrats

  7. Justine

    I think I need some help . I know I do …

    • Kevin O'Hara

      You’re in the right place Justine.. start here

  8. Chris Boone


  9. Alexis

    Amazing, easier said than done but is possible. Just came across today with you first on Youtube and led me to your site.
    Thank you for sharing, for inspiring for taking the time to help us all. God bless.

  10. dave

    Thank you for sharring with me your journey. You have opened my eyes to quitting and now I too want to be a successfull X Drinker! you have helped sooo many people Kevin _ Thank You so Much my good friend.. It has been 6 weeks since i Quit and i have no itensions of returning as you have done also!!!… Thank You

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Hey congrats on your 6 weeks Dave…

  11. Gina DeFlorio

    My younger brother was making a Vodka and juice at 10:30 AM when I arrived yesterday May 5 2014. He is 52 years old.
    He walks like an 90 year old who needs a walker. He is pale and weak and not a muscle in sight. His salt and pepper hair is still handsome as well as his face actually but his body seems so old for his age. He cried several times during my visit with him. Telling me he thought he would never see me again. I was with him for 2 hours and he had three tall drinks during that time. Progressively more drunk and our conversation was jumping from reality to nonsense.
    I hugged him several times. He looked like the little boy who use to crawl into my bed and snuggle to sleep with me. I am his only sister and 6 years older. I recently decided that avoiding him because of his alcoholism was wrong. I will always love him and I want him to know that I am there and will always be there from now on.
    I love what you have to say. You resonate with me and perhaps you will with him.
    I sent your YouTube channel to him. My heart hurts ~
    Thank you

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Hi Gina, thanks for sharing your story! I really hope that my videos can at least give your brother hope that quitting alcohol can be done. I have to be honest with you when I say that I can’t help unless the person wants to be helped. Even then, all I can do is guide. You can give him my email: kevin@alcoholmastery.com . If I can help him with any advice at all, I will. He has the one thing that many in the same position don’t, someone who cares enough to reach out for help on his behalf. The best of luck to you Gina!
      Kindest regards

      • Gina

        Hello Kevin, Thank you for your kind reply.
        I have sent him your email and a short note reassuring him I will support ANY effort for him to achieve becoming well. In my email I told him that this site is something he should take a look at and he’s not alone in any of this.

        I am quite sure you eventually realized your own impact on the people closest to you.
        My parents are deceased ( neither of them drank) so it is myself and my two brother’s only. One older one younger. My older brother is just as concerned but he is somewhat tired of trying. Stood by the younger one repeatedly for years.

        Again I’m rambling but this is territory unfamiliar to me
        thanks for your time and your site…
        best regards,

        • Kevin O'Hara

          Hi Gina, no worries. Yes, I did realise the impact on others around me. It’s one of the great things about finally ‘seeing the light’, so to speak. People look at you strange at first, then after a while you’re accepted. Finally, you see changes in their habits, especially when they’re around you.
          All the best

  12. Shawn

    Hey Kevin. Nice videos! I am going on day 3 from my commitment on kicking this habit. I have had some trouble sleeping so far but I don’t have the desire to drink. It has made a lot of negativeness in my life and I am done with it. Your videos are very inspiring. Thanks!

  13. Shawn

    Hey kev. Drinking has not helped my life at all. I got in trouble with the law from drinking and driving twice. Cost lots of money lost my rights to drive. After taking care of all that I lost a good job from drinking and as a result, my car has been repossessed. I have spent so much money on drinking I am actually in dept. I have no job or car and I haven’t been able to see my 5 year old son in a couple month because of no car. The only way I’m gonna get out of this mess is to stop drinking and even then, I’ll have to work hard to figure something out. Thanks for the videos! They are a great help!

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Hey Shawn, glad I could be of some help to you. If I could go back and stop using alcohol when my son was born, or even when he was five, I would in a heartbeat. I can’t! You have the opportunity to turn your life around and be a great father to your child, don’t waste it!
      I wish you the greatest of good fortune

  14. Todd

    LOL!!! If an alien was looking down, he’s say “look at these cooky bastards and what there doing! hahahaha that was exactly the laugh I needed this morning Kevin.

    I was sober in AA for 15 years, then I left due to the extremeism. Well trying to be a normal drinker over the last 6 years has not worked at all. I then have been trying to just quit! It works, and then I start again. On a daily basis! hahaha

    I’ve been watching your videos for the past few days. Last night I made an ass of myself once again at a softball game.

    I’m done! It’s just poison, and stupid, and I am tired of being a slave to such a rediculous and gross habit.

    Thanks for you spirit!

    • Kevin O'Hara

      No worries Todd, I know the feeling of making an ass of myself, for too many years. No more though. Onwards and upwards

  15. Cristal

    This video was very inspirational… After listening to this it really made me realize I can do this. You have no idea how glad I am I have found your website. I cried a few times watching this only because I didn’t think I had a “problem” but I do b/c just about everything you we talking about especially your brain being wrapped in a wet towel and wearing googley glass everything was foggy. That’s my everyday and I hate it.

    I’ve picked up the book you suggested and can’t wait to start it tonight.

    Thank you SO much – today is going to be my first day of many to come sober

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Hey Cristal, congratulations on your decision to get yourself free. I can’t wait to hear about your progress. Thanks for your kind comments. All the best, Kev

  16. Cristal

    Day 6 in and after reading Allen Carrs book like you suggested I haven’t had the urge ( well maybe once or twice no more) and I’m soooo surprised and happy! Hasn’t been as nearly bad as I thought. Again I’m so glad I came across your site otherwise I’m not sure where did be.

    Thank you as always

  17. Jack T.

    Kevin, thank you so much for your very lifesaving, enlightening, inspirational video. I don’t want to say my progress or where I’ve been but where I am going will be 100% onwards and upwards and I thank you very much for your clearing of the cobwebs and words and brainwashing associated with my bad habit.

    Thank you Kevin so much.

  18. Bengt

    Hey Kev,

    Day two of not drinking alcohol anymore forever!
    I’ve been watching your videos for quite some time now but never realy care about the comments in the post. This morning I found your email with the suggestion to watch your ‘first year off the alcohol’ video but first started to read the comments. I find them very supporting. So also thanks to all the submittors. I’m now gonna take the time to watch the video. Onwards and Upwards!

  19. james feeney

    Good day Kevin,
    I like your videos. I am trying to get over my addiction to booze.
    My mental state is ravaged by drinking. Lack of self respect is a big problem with my boozing. Thank you for being inspirational, im giving it a hard try. So tired of feeling like shit everyday.
    Bye for now


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