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Leave The Drunk Behind and Get Everything You Want In Life!

by | Inspirational | 5 comments

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Onwards and Upwards!

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What Are Your Reasons To Drink?

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  1. ronnie

    I read somewhere that Omega 3 Fish oil is good for repairing brain cells ,dont know if theres any truth in it or not

  2. Veronica Harris

    Thanks Kevin.
    Its been an interesting year for me. I began by wanting to stop drinking completely and I can honestly say I am ending it having changed my habits.
    I have not yet stopped completly, but the amount is slowly getting less per week. sometimes I manage a whole week without a drink, then I slip up.
    I have noticed that my huge craving has gone and I don’t “need’ It.
    I am on that road. The one of: I no longer want it.
    I had no idea it would be such a long process.
    Changing 30 years of a drinking habit has been very hard, but as you quite rightly say, the benefits are huge.
    So thanks again for all your positive video’s
    Very much appreciated.

    Kind regards


    • Julie D.

      Keep up the good work, Veronica. I have had the same struggle for 46 years and still “slip up” from time to time. It has been the biggest battle of my life. I am a retired French/Spanish teacher and finding a big challenge with idle time. Maybe, just a suggestion, take a class in something that you would like to learn. I’m taking Italian 4 just to keep busy. Julie D.

  3. Elle

    Hi Kevin,

    Great video! How long did it take for your brain to become “unpickled”? I just stopped drinking 2 days ago…

    Thank you 🙂

    • Kevin O'Hara

      No set time, just over time. My mind still pushes up the odd thought about drink, but that’s just the social conditioning that’s happened over the course of a lifetime. I know what it is now, I just ignore it and smile.


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