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How Will I ever Sleep Again Without My Booze?

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  1. Mark

    Hey, Ive just been watching your video How Will I ever Sleep Again Without My Booze?. like you have said it really hard to sleep in the first month or so, I did quit last year for 38 days and i felt my whole life style starting to change for the better, at first i could not sleep but after a few days i did start to have a good nights sleep.

    I want to give up now for good. when i try to sleep my breathing pattern starts to change, I’m sure if its the anxiety or what. has this ever happened to you ? any tips on how i can sleep please ?



    • Kevin O'Hara

      Hey Mark, Thanks for stopping by. Here’s a reply I made to another comment earlier today on another video. I think this info will help you too.
      Sometimes there is no guarantee that you’re going to sleep, not in the beginning of your quit at least. Unfortunately, it takes time for you body to become accustomed to no more alcohol. It will recover. Your body needs rest and once it’s not getting the false sleep through alcohol, you’ll start falling asleep and staying asleep naturally. You never get a good nights sleep with alcohol anyway because alcohol prevents you from going into the rapid eye movement stage. This is one of the most important for your health. Take comfort in the fact that although you’ll suffer a little in the short term, in the long term you will be far better off.
      As far as your breathing is concerned, I couldn’t be sure. Your anxiety about not sleeping could definitely affect your breathing. Have you tried some relaxation exercises? Many problems with sleeping are to do with what you’re doing up to an hour before you get into bed. You need to use this hour as a wind down, turning off the tv, relaxing, maybe taking a warm bath, just chilling out.

      Take care


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