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How Long Before The Alcohol Habit is Gone? Everyone Can Change | SDA11

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol, Year One | 2 comments

(0.13) The site this week
(0.32) The site next week
(0.39) Ups and downs
(1.24) Tip of the week
(2.25) A bit of Irish humour

This is Alcohol Mastery, I’m Kevin O’Hara and welcome to the Thursday Tally number 11.

The Site This Week

On the website this week we did three more questions from the Johns Hopkins 20 questions series.
The first one was – are you drinking to escape from your worries or troubles.
The second was – are you drinking alone.
The third one was about memory loss.
And I also did one on cravings.

The Site Next Week

Next week the last three questions.
And I’ll do something at the end of the week as well.

Ups and Downs

Ups and downs for the week, eleven weeks off the booze.
I also got rid of that cold, thank god that’s gone now.
I had to stop running, or just change the way I was running.
I’ve got a duff knee from working in the forestry and I thought it’d disappeared but it hasn’t so…I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do the 5k all at once.
I’ve just got into doing walking and running, walking and running, that kind of thing…
I got through Paddy’s day, so that’s a mark up for me as being…
And I gained a pound this week, for some reason, I don’t know…

Tip of the Week

My tip of the week this week is that everyone can change.
You can teach an old dog new tricks.
It takes about two months before a habit is established.
It’s difficult at the beginning, for the first few days.
Your on sort of an upward slope.
Once you get on that crest, you get onto that plateau.
It takes about two months before you get on that plateau, but once you’re there, that’s it… it’s done..
I mean, I’m there now, I can go through my day without thinking about alcohol.
I do think about it, truth be told, but it’s only for a split second and that’s it… it’s gone.
I can deal with that.
If someone gets a glass of wine in front of me, I might look at it, and for a second I think oooff, but then I don’t drink any more.
And that’s it… it’s finished… it’s done and over with.

For the Day That’s in it!

For the day that’s in it, seeing as it was Paddy’s day this week, here’s a little Irish humour.
A guy walks into a department store and says…
“Do you have a potato clock?”
Your man behind the counter goes…
“Are you taking the piss…
We’ve got wall clocks, we’ve got alarm clocks, digital clocks, we’ve got carriage clocks, we’ve got grandfather clocks…
What the bloody hell is a potato clock?”
“Well, I’ve got a new job tomorrow and I start at nine o’clock, and the wife says I’ve got to get a potato clock…”

So, that’s the Thursday Tally 11, thanks for watching.
Subscribe to the channel by clicking here, or go to the website by clicking below.
Go to the website and leave a comment, and if there’s anything I can help you with I certainly will.
My name’s Kevin O’Hara, this is alcoholmastery.com,
Onwards and Upwards!

Download a copy of the Video Transcript of Thursday Tally 11: Everyone Can Change!

Thursday Tally 11 Transcript

Previous Tallies

Tally 8
Tally 9
Tally 10


  1. William


    6 weeks tonight without drinking.

    I enjoy your videos, very accurate for the withdrawal symptoms.

    Drank 2-3 beers and 2-3 glasses of wine about every night for several years. Made up my mind to quit. Tried last year for a month, but fell backwards. This time, much better.

    Must be a miracle because i had nasty withdrawal, but really no cravings.

    You definitely helped me. Age 54

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Congratulations William… It just gets better from here on in 🙂


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