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How I Stopped Drinking Alcohol in One Evening

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 6 comments

I hope you all had a great Christmas. I am just heading into my eighth year on my journey, “No Alcohol Required”. At this time of year, I always reflect on that pivotal point in my life that set me on the track I am on today, how my life could have been completely different if I hadn’t stopped, if I would still be here at all, and how a life can change in a single moment – regardless of what happened before.

Think about that for yourself. If you make the decision right now to do something different, what’s stopping you from doing it? Mostly YOU! There’s always a way. There’s always hope. Wishing you all the best for 2020.

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  1. Peter

    Thank you

  2. Tim

    Thanks Kevin. Timely and insightful at this time of year. 20 months in without alcohol and your thought provoking comments ring true. Than you!


  3. Gail Harvey

    THANKYOU and a Happy new year to you x

  4. Ben Piringer

    128 days sober, still hard work to be fair but worth it.

  5. Doug

    Thanks for being a great wingman Kevin!

  6. Annie

    Thank you


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