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Here’s to More Hangover-Free, Clear-Headed Sunrises – F**k Alcohol

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 4 comments

No more hangovers ever! That alone ought to be music to the ears of any long term drinker.

Although, I was always a morning person, my morning routine was always dictated by how much booze I had drank the night before.

My scale was I feel OK this morning (at the number 10 spot) falling all the way to I am completely fucking devastated from the night before and unable to do any of the things a grown-assed man is supposed to do (at the number 1 spot).

Now my scale is I feel fucking absolutely amazing (at the number 10 good spot) to my number one spot of just feeling OK.

Things change, times change, people change, BUT
you have to make the change happen or the change will make you happen.

Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality. Nikos Kazantzakis

Until next time…
Onwards and Upwards!

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  1. Aidan

    Thank you Kevin.

    Where is this absolutely spectacular location you are? God almighty it just looks bliss! Nikki and I are going to start trekking, and we’re looking at the lake district. It’s not too far from London and I believe it’s stunning.

    To echo your points, the first thing we needed to do was to cut out the booze completely for good, and the other things really did follow. I got up this morning, and for some reason I was in a bit of a cranky mood. There was absolutely nothing going on that warranted it….ye know….it was just one of those things. I might have been a bit pissed off that I had committed to getting in my workout everyday and I had just come off the back of a weekend where we totally relaxed, had the couch folded out and we watched the Rugby and loads of sport all weekend.

    So instead of doing my workout at 11am I thought fuck it…..I’m doing it now. It was against everything I wanted, but I applied the same tools that I have used with drinking and I had a brilliant workout. I’m still buzzing from it 2 hours later. The momentum from the positive energy that has come about by not drinking is such a powerful tool. I absolutely love it.

    For the first time in God knows how long I have an interview tomorrow for a job that I know I am going to love and I am going in clear headed and confident. So many great things have happened because of the choice to never choose to put alcohol into my body again.

    • Kevin O'Hara

      I am south of Alicante, Spain… Yes, it is beautiful… I love the Lake District. Spent a lot of time there when I lived in Yorkshire. As you say, the same tools for quitting drinking can be used for any other aspect of your life… It’s changing the frame which changes the game… If you live in the drinking frame of mind, it’s such an easy thing to fall into on a Saturday afternoon, a couple of pints and before you know it the day is gone… A few Saturdays like that and it becomes a habit, have your life is gone, half the most important parts of your life… When you are supposed to be relaxing 🙂 I hope you do well with the interview…

  2. Michael Brendan

    Kevin just found you on youtube, and feel like finding you is going to be a positive in my life. I am staying in Scotland just now, I spent a year in the Murcia Region back in 2005 so thought you might be about Guardamar or Torrevieja in the video from Stephens day. I am only starting out on this, have put in a huge effort with various Recovery Focused Groups and have achieved various Abstinence periods, six months a few times etc. Going to hit this on youtube very briefly and will in all probability sign up to your coaching if I can manage January by myself. I managed about 45 weeks from 52 in 2019 totally abstinent but wobbled a bit in December. I would like 2020 to be the year I get this for myself, I want to emulate what it appears to be that you have found and are so generously sharing with others. There is something about the way you communicate that appeals to me, and so will follow you for now and see where I end up myself. I know I am 100 % responsible, think that is the point you are making.


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