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Habituation in Our Everyday Lives

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 0 comments

Today I wanted to talk about habituation in general in our lives. We are just habit making machines. No matter what way you look at this or what area of your life you look at, there are habit mechanisms that are trying to turn what you do the most into a habit so you don’t have to think about it too much.

One of the main reasons why we habitualised things is because it is safer to do so. It burns less energy. Your brain burns the most energy out of everything else in your body. It’s the biggest energy suck out of all of your organs. All this energy is burnt because you are thinking, so the least about of time you can spend thinking about a particular thing then the better.

If you think about any skill that you can do in life you will see it’s all about habit. You learning how to do one thing and then you get habitual about that and you don’t have to think about it anymore. You just move on to the next thing, you learn the next thing and eventually it builds up to a massive skill.

Drinking and drug use are all habitual behaviours. You don’t start out being a drug addict. You’re not a drug addict after five or ten days. You’re not a drug addict after a year. You’re an addict after you’ve done it for so many years, it’s become habitualised in your body. It’s the habit, mechanisms kicking in.

Exercise, is a habit. Either not doing exercise or doing exercise. Jumping around, skipping, running, whatever it is that you do. If you tried running a Marathon without any practice you wouldn’t be able to do it. You’d kill yourself. But you get into the habit of doing it every day. You consistently do it and consistently practice and eventually you’ll be able to run a marathon.

You know the oldest marathon runner in the world is 102, and he probably didn’t run it in three hours, but who gives a shit! He ran a marathon, he did a marathon. I find it difficult to walk a marathon, never mind run it.

We habituate the food we eat, what we eat, how we eat it, how we chew it, how we swallow it. We habituate how we digest that food and we habituate how it comes out the other end, these are all habitual processes that happen over time. Your body gets used to doing things a certain way and it carries on doing it.

We habituate our language, both our verbal and body language. We tend to say the same words, over and over again. We tend to use the same body language. Some people create a lot of expressions with their hands. A lot of people do a lot of facial expressions, other people don’t. You might have a tic or a tic in your eye or you might have a certain way that you pronounce a certain word, these are all habits that form over years.

It’s the same thing with posture we habituate how we sit, how we move how we walk, how we stand, how we run, how we skip, how we cycle, these are all habitual things. A lot of the tension that we find in our bodies is because of bad posture and bad posture is nothing more than habitual posture. It is the posture that we habitually get into. The posture that we habitually sit in or stand in and eventually that causes pain and sometimes even the pain is habituated. You don’t feel it that much it becomes like a dull aching in the background, it’s only when something snaps that you really feel it.

One of the main areas where I would focus all my attention or most of my attention anyway would be habitual thinking, because you can habituate your own thinking very quickly and drive yourself down a down end where it’s very difficult to get out of. It’s possible to get out of it like all habit change you know, it’s all a choice and once you understand what you’re doing then you can make the choice, but first you have to understand that you’re doing it.

What I’m saying is if you want to make changes in your life, first of all start looking at the areas in your life where you are habituating and notice the habits – and they are everywhere. Break down the habits and then if you’ve heard me talking about habits in general the only way to break them down is gradually and replace them with something else.

That’s the habit mechanism. You can’t have a habit void and you can’t have a behaviour void. You have to have something to replace it with.

So that’s it for today. If you have any questions leave a comment down below. Take Care. Good Luck.

“Habits are the invisible Architecture of everyday life”

Until next time…
Onwards and Upwards!

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