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Decision to Stop is Simple

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 0 comments

The whole concept starts out with the decision to quit drinking alcohol. It’s a binary choice.

It’s either you stopped drinking alcohol, or you don’t stop it, you put the alcohol into your mouth, or you don’t put it in. And it can’t be any simpler than that. Everything else is about changing the habit. It becomes a habit and the only way to then deal with your life and to get away from alcohol is to get away from the alcohol thinking and to break down the habit. And that’s got nothing to do with the alcohol. The alcohol is now in the past, you’re not dealing with the alcohol anymore. And that’s the mistake I think most people make is that they focus on the alcohol, they focus on, being alcoholic, being sober, all this bullshit, where it’s nothing to do with the alcohol.


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