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Alcohol Addiction: My Alcohol Story

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(0.17) Over The Next Week Or Two
(1.05) An Early Start
(2.15) A Turning Point
(3.04) I Got What I Asked For
(4.12) Understand Your Addiction

Over The Next Week Or Two

So over the next week or two, I wanna do a few articles about the different aspects of alcohol addiction.
Exactly what it alcohol addiction…
What’s involved in it…
Who’s most susceptible…
Who’s going to get addicted the quickest….
What is it exactly about alcohol?
What are the benefits that keep drawing us back in?
The hooks that keep us hooked?
What’s the price that we pay for drinking?
I’m not talking about the economic price, but the price in terms of our relationships and our life in general…

And how we can change our value judgements, and how they can help us?
And how we can turn our beliefs around?
Our beliefs can either help us or hinder us…
So, what we can do about that….

An Early Start

First, I’d like to share a bit of my own alcohol experience, my own alcohol journey…

It all started when I was 13.
I had my first drink when I was 13.
I drank at 13 because I wanted to become a man.
I looked at men, that’s what men did, therefore that’s what I wanted to do…

Then I became a man, I was 18, I was able to go into pubs.
And living in Ireland, that’s basically all we had to do, that’s all we could do…
Go into the pub after work…
Chill out…
That’s how we socialize…
That’s how we met people…
That’s how we wound down…
That’s how we had fun…

Then I drank because I wanted to get away from things…
Get away from problems in my life…
Uncomfortable issues…
If there was any issues in my relationships I’d want to have a few drinks for that…
Any problems in my work, yep, it’s easy, go and have a few drinks after work…
So any issues that were coming up, any problems, that was what I was drinking for then.

A Turning Point

Then in the autumn of 2005, my drinking hit a different level altogether…
My wife died, and I was left alone to look after my 13 year old son…
My life was completely devastated, or so I thought at the moment…
And whenever I could get him down to bed early, or get someone to look after him, that’s all I wanted to do drink, to hide the grief, and unfortunately it just kept on from there…

Then I drank because I thought I was neglecting my son, because I thought I wasn’t being a good father to him…
And then I just drank…
It was just any excuse to have a drink…
Right up until last year…

I Got What I Asked For

Alcohol achieved the desired result…
When I was a kid, it made me feel like I was a man…
When I was a man, we socialized and that’s just the way we did things…
When I got bored and I drank for boredom, or drank to overcome my problems, I forgot about my problems… I wasn’t bored any more…
It temporarily got me over the grief…
And it sidestepped the issue of my self-esteem over not being a good father…
So, all along it’s always helped me, but there’s a huge cost underneath it all…
Because although you think it’s helping you out; that it’s solving this little issue that you’re having in the moment, behind the scenes, in real life… outside your pickled brain, life is going on.
And that’s where the real problems are all caused…

Understand Your Addiction

I’ll go into that in more detail in another video, but I just wanted to do this series on alcohol addiction because it’s understanding your own addiction to alcohol and coming to your own realizations that is one of the key’s that’s going to help you at the end of the day…

So I hope you got something out of that.
Come back to YouTube and I’ll stick a couple of videos up…
And I’ll also put some posts on the website…
I can’t do the videos for everything so I’ll do a couple of posts as well…

Onwards and Upwards

Until next time…
Onwards and Upwards…

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