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How Can I Stop Binge Drinking?

by | Stop Drinking Alcohol | 5 comments

Consuming “Excessive” amounts of alcohol is a red herring. It’s distracting and misleading.
Here’s what it means to ‘binge’:
UK: 14 units per week… Eight men/6 women… Single session
US: men five drinks, women for drinks… BAC 0.08 g percent or above…
Let’s get clear here, alcohol is a drug. No matter how you break it down, or try to drown out most people’s ‘normal’ drug use by calling out those that drink a bit more, every alcohol drinker is a drug user and most alcohol drug users binge on their chosen drug at one stage or another.


How Can I Stop Binge Drinking?

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  1. Rhonda

    Great clip. I keep trying. Thank you for sharing.

  2. rebecca

    thank you kevin

  3. Retha Clower

    Thank you again. retha

  4. Lisalynn Rowley-Dixon

    I am a binge drinker, I hate it great clip very helpful

  5. Scott P.

    Hi, Kevin:

    You have an awesome program going here!!! I’m on day 10 of my journey. Not too bad, actually. Been through a couple of social tests with friends that drink, and passed with flying colors. Made it with no problem. Most of the decision to succeed in these tests are because of me, of course. But, because watching your videos made so much sense to me, it was so much easier to pass these tests. You speak with a common sense method, which I can relate to in a major way. I’m a common sense kind of person. I’m not a very spiritual person by the common definition. I base my decisions on fact mostly. Some facts are learned and some are created by me, about me. Fact #1, I have a problem with alcohol. LOL Thank you and hope all is well with you.

    Can you tell us a little about your occupational history? Work background, etc.


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